Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I've been wrestling with the idea of "purpose" recently. More specifically ... what is my purpose? Not for a career ... but as a person taking up space on this planet. However complicated a question, it's beyond me to answer ... but are we all allotted some specific role/purpose to take on during our lifetimes to make living worthwhile? I'd like to say no because there are so many unhappy people in the world. Still ... the questions begs asking.
Or maybe I'm just confusing purpose with happiness. Right now I just feel like I'm going through the motions with no clear path, and little motivation to become more than I am. I feel deep inside that I'm capable of so much more ... yet where the hell do I start or where do I go? I'd like to think that one day it'll hit me in the face like a ton of bricks or an overly-ripe peach, but I've got the feeling those days are quickly going the way of the dodo. Either I've got to get the train going myself ... or if the train does arrive ... I've got to be ready to jump on.

I guess I've just got to wait this one out ... for now.


A Follow-Up...

Damn, it's been a long time since I've been on here. To my defense, I don't think I've had a whole lot of stuff that would have made for a good story, but then again almost any story can be interesting to the right person or if it's delivered properly. Where should I start? How about the "D-7" fiasco?

That next day ... or the day after ... I was happily surprised the vending machine was fixed. I wasn't expecting such a prompt response, but then again my note I had left as evidence of my d-7 distaste was gone too.

... and yes it was a mountain blast I celebrated with.

What else?...

Halloween was just a few weeks ago. Hope you all had a nice time ... whatever the hell it was you were doing. The back-up plan ... more like a last resort was to pass out candy to the little ones, but man that wouldn't have been all that fun, not for me at least. After some deliberation and abandoning my hopes of being "Smalls" from the infamous baseball flick "The Sandlot," I chose to embody the essence of who is now only known as "Frank Shuttlecock, " the 1979 Tri-Cities badminton champion and runner-up in the 1977 World Championships to a tough and scrappy Soviet Union team. By now it would be appropriate to give some sort of a visual, but sadly my brother, Johnny-boy himself, has the sweet pics on his cam and has yet to upload them ... at least to my knowledge he hasn't. So for those with a bit of imagination ... here's the rundown of the costume just in case you were curious to see what Mr. Shuttlecock may have looked like in person ...

1. Blue Shorts ... emphasis on the "short" ... seriously.
2. Red Polo Shirt (blue collar ... "U-S-A" labeled on the back)
3. White tennis shoes (nothing sexy there)
4. Solid-White Headband (nice, definitely 70's-ish)
5. Two Red-White-Striped wristbands
6. A used $3 Goodwill-bought badminton racket
7. One bronze-ish "2nd" place medal (navy blue ribbon)
8. One cheezy and obviously fake "fake moustache."

Cosmetically that was what Frank was composed of ... but could only pull off such a costume (not literally) with the right kind of attitude. Luckily ... on that night ... Mr. Colin was feeling especially confident. It certainly didn't hurt I had a couple of drinks under my belt too.

Anyways, it turned out to be a pretty cool costume for having only spent about 8 bucks total on it. The wearability factor for the costume is also fairly high making it a sure-fire winner.

I couldn't have pulled it off without the moustache ... that was constantly falling off even before the festivities kicked off. Luckily ... good friend Joe had some industrial-strength adhesive stuff that kept that 'stache on like nobody's business.

Another b-log soon to come ... and I mean soon. This ... however ... is good for now on the follow-up.