Monday, April 21, 2008


My brother, John, couldn't have put it any more simply. This is goodbye.
Our grandfather, Homer Freeman, passed away Friday.

Death is something I deal with differently than most, I would think. It is probably one of the most constant thoughts on my mind. In situations like this, it helps me to deal with loss because I'm always afraid I'll lose my loved ones too soon.

In this particular case, I'm glad my grandfather is no longer suffering. He died in his home, sitting in his favorite chair. The culmination of a wonderful man.

As I look back on the time I spent with him, I wish I could have seen him one last time. Just to let him know if I end up being half the man he was, I'd be satisfied.
He never wanted much for himself, but he did his best to provide for his family, myself included.

This man was beyond amazing, almost blessed by some higher power. He had suffered numerous heart attacks, a stroke, even a broken neck recently. This is all in addition to years of dialysis just to keep him alive.

I remember hearing once he wanted to stick around for my grandmother's sake, but despite what his mind wanted, his body just couldn't keep that promise, maybe the only one he ever broke.

A central figure for my entire life is gone. He was a strong, proud man who spoke quietly, and quickly earned the respect of others.

Now it's your time to sit back and relax, gramps, and watch your grandson do the heavylifting.

Goodbye. I love you.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"Stuck" In The Mud

The big question, how is Jim Nielsen tied to all these acupuncture businesses?

After calling nearly 20 businesses, TWO actually picked up the phone and said they were familiar with Mr. Nielsen.

One man actually said Mr. Nielsen was a supporter of acupuncture, and in turn, he supports Jimmy. A woman I spoke with had said she had heard of the name before, but the man who I wanted to talk to was with a patient and would be unable to call me back because he was leaving for China. I asked why he was leaving to China. She said it was none of my business, which she's right, and abruptly hung up on me.

Still my interest was piqued. Turns out, though, a one James Nielsen is an advisory member of the National Oriental Medicine Accredidation Agency. Get this, his wife, Marilyn Nielsen, used to work for the California Acupuncture Board as their Executive Officer.

I'm not willing to give it all up just yet, but it appears (at least from some initial research) this may be legit. My guess is these businesses are somehow associated with the NOMAA and were contacted to contribute to Mr. Nielsen's campaign once it was known he'd be running for state assembly.

I actually just got off the phone with someone from NOMAA who gave me the rundown on how Jimmy-boy got involved with acupuncture. Yes, it most likely was through his wife's activity. Don't see a whole lot else here, unfortunately. Damn!


Getting "Stuck" In The Bay?

The latest installment piggybacks on my previous post about some alleged discrepancies with former State Senator and Northstate resident, Jim Nielsen. As you may recall, Mr. Nielsen is now running for State Assembly for our district up here. One of the local papers, The Record Searchlight, published his campaign funds thus far into the assemblyman's race, and he has a seemingly insurmountable lead. Check it:

1. Jim Nielsen (R) - $279,000
2. Pete Stiglich (R) - $14,000
3. John Martinez (R) - $5,000

Let it be known Nielsen's opponents are both running "grass-roots" campaigns, so funding isn't as nearly abundant compared to Nielsen's strong ties to Sac-Town's political big-wigs and corporate homeboys. Far and away, from a monetary perspective, the race looks like a no-contest, but I've also been told two of Nielsen's opponents have either applied for, or already gotten $100,000 loans for their campaigns.

Regardless of the dinero disparity, the interesting thing about this story is WHO Mr. Nielsen has received some of his donations from. Aside from cash he's picked up from the likes of PG&E, Blue Cross of CA and the Chevron Corp., Jimmy also grabbed 60different donations from chinese acupuncturists in California (the vast majority from the Bay Area).

Now I understand he may have friends in high ... and low places ... but 60? Most acupuncturists were "self-employed" and most gave $100.

The question I pose is how does Mr. Nielsen know all these people? I can't imagine their businesses are well-known enough for Mr. Nielsen to know them personally, but then again I could be wrong.

It appears there could be another story here. I'll just have to keep "poking" around.

I'll keep you posted.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Scandals and Sunrises

Just wrapped up a story yesterday about a former senator now running for state assembly in one of the local districts up here. One of his opponents and the newspaper he used to work for say he doesn't live in the district he wants to represent, which of course, is illegal.

The story was hearing both sides of the story and trying to determine where Jim Nielsen lays his head down at night. It would appear Nielsen in on the up and up, but determining what his "primary residence" is may still be up in the air. He now has TWO homes. One he recently bought from his in-laws (which is in the district), and another home outside the district where his children live.

It is still a very stick situation, but I would like to think I was somewhat fair and balanced. I was glad I was able to do it, though, a very interesting story that could have some serious implications for the future of district two in the Northstate.

In other news, about 15 minutes ago, I found out I'll be coming in at three-o-clock in the morning instead of four. Obviously, I'm not elated about the news, but I think it will be a good test for me, mentally and physically. If I can prove to myself and my boss, that I can perform at a high level even earlier in the day, it will only help me in the long run.

Then again, we aren't machines. On the other hand, if you can't stand the heat...

Let the adventure continue!