Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Man, it's been nearly a month since my last post...but I don't think I'm going to disappoint.

Things in Redding seem like they're going about a mile a minute. I'm now 13 shows into my first job, and it's been a blast so far. I'm still very hard on myself because I know I can do much better. I'm going to try and take it a bit easier on myself and hopefully it will come through on camera.

I've also done some sporadic reporting during my brief time here thus far. I did a story last week on the somewhat excessive amount of coffee shops the city of Redding has to offer. I found that in California cities of the same size (Redding has about 90,000 people), Redding has the 4th most coffee shops in the state...per person! North of the Bay Area, Redding is first.

The story turned out pretty well for being the first one off the block, but I'm looking forward to drastic improvements over the course of my tenure here at KRCR.

In other news of the "news" variety...I recorded my anchor-intro that runs just before I come back on camera from a commercial break (you know the ones that go "...and news with Colin McAvoy."). The guy who does our voices is classic, he has this very robotic-like tone that's unforgettable. I can guarantee if you ever ran into this guy you'd know what he did for a living without him ever telling you. What I did was I had to sit in this chair and turn away from the camera. Then I took a bunch of takes of me just turning to the camera and smiliing. I really tried to make it as genuine as possible, but it turned out cheezy nonetheless.

No furniture, no internet/cable yet.

I do, however, picked up a gym membership and a new pair of running shoes. I'm going to try and make exercise a bigger part of my life here because I don't really have a whole lot to do once I get off work. My post-work routine pretty much consists of having something to eat, checking the mail, and falling asleep. As soon as I get my body adjusted to the work schedule, which is happening slowly but surely, I hope to be much more active than I already am.

I'm trying to eat a little better too. Been eating a lot of sandwiches and Doritos as of late, which is a typical diet for me anywhere (at least some thing are staying consistent).

Been out with people from work a couple times, trying to acclimate to the less-than-stellar Redding nightlife. A couple of places with names you'd might enjoy...these are not made-up places, mind you. I've visited a karaoke bar named "The Hen House." Another is bar literally branching from our local shopping mall entitled "The Rusty Nail." Some classic names up here, with some classic characters to go along with them.

Gotta start getting prepared for our next morning cut-in which is set to air at 8:25am which is in a little less than 15 minutes.

Until next time folks!


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