Monday, September 3, 2007

Limits Pt. II

Well, I'm past the 24 hour mark. I've been chewing a piece of Orbit gum for past 11 hours or so at least my mind is occupied with chewing something. I've been thinking about this whole one week target thing. Maybe we should just play it by ear, I don't want to start having kidney failure just because I didn't eat anything for a week...on my own accord. I'll reset my goal for two days and see how I feel after that. I was at work tonight and one of our anchors was eating something that smelled so delicious. I literally felt like Pepe Le Pieu when he's sleeping. The aroma got to me instantly. I'm not saying I was getting all horny like the skunk-fiend, but the smell sure did seem a lot more intense when you haven't eaten anything in the past 26 hours.

Anyways, two day target and we'll go from there. The funny thing is, I haven't told anyone what the blog URL is to read these yet so nobody will read this until I give the green light to.

I do feel as though it is subconsciously therapeutic. Maybe that's why so many damn people do it in the first place...or maybe it gives people an excuse to talk about themselves for as long as they want. I guess I could kind of see why that would be appealing if you intended to have an audience.

A few times I was feeling lightheaded, but I guess that's my body feeding off of itself. Thanks body! Even if I don't give you any food now, you still knew where to find my secret stash. If only I was as clever as you.

Thanks for reading...whenever you do.


1 comment:

Durden said...

Good luck man, I know you're bound to do great've got the talent, wit, charm, and good looks. You are...dare I say...en fuego